Since my last post in August our lives have changed in ways we could not have imagined. Ethan has continued to grow (he's still on the bottom of the growth charts, but plodding along).
Bryan and I both turned another year older, 31 is not nearly as cool as being 30, but at least I still occasionally get carded buying wine at Costco...although the "I didn't realize you were that old!" comment by the checker sort of negates any positives of the whole situation.
Bryan and I took our first vacation since Ethan was born (and my first trip away from him for more than a day)! We were so honored to share in our good friend Chris' wedding on the beautiful North Fork of Long Island. We went on an amazing wine tour, relaxed and celebrated with dear friends. We even spent a day in the city before heading back to Texas and reality.
For some crazy reason I decided to train for my second marathon as an attempt to get back into shape. I had an amazing running partner and friend who helped me train and complete the San Antonio Rock n Roll Marathon in November.
Bryan continues to kick but and take names at work, managing more people at work and taking on more responsibilities. I am so proud of his accomplishments, his drive and his determination, am I'm just glad I don't have to work for him...I think he would have fired me by now.
When our ice machine stopped working, what started as just replacing the refrigerator turned into a huge kitchen remodel including new granite countertops, all new appliances, re-staining the cabinets and new paint. As much HGTV as I watch I don't know why I was suprised when a 2 week project has turned into a 2 1/2 month project. We survived for two weeks without a kitchen sink or a stove and thanks to Steve and Kristina didn't have to stay home with the toxic fumes. In the end we have a fabulous new kitchen that was worth all the headaches and waiting.
But the most significant change this year was the loss of my grandmother shortly after Thanksgiving. Inga Dixon was one of the most amazing persons I have ever met. She was loving, kind, strong and generous. She outlived my other grandparents by 20+ years and as a result, until now I have never know a time without her. We all knew this time would come and I am so thankful that she was able to spend her last days at her home in Johnson City surrounded by her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We had snow this year in central Texas the week of her death, which is a rare event, but one that is fitting for a girl from a small Swedish town who settled in West Texas of all places. One of the last times we talked she said she wished she could have done more for me and my sister, which is so her, she was always doing things for others. We reminisced about the things she taught me, here are just a few:
1. Baking. While my mom has many talents, she fully admits that cooking much less baking has never really been one. Inga on the other hand was a masterful baker. From apple pies to sugar cookies to cakes, it is all because of her that I have the basics.
2. Crochet. While she knitted sweaters and blankets the only thing I really ever finished were pot holders and those usually ended up in an odd shape.
3. Swedish. I can count to ten and ask if you would like a hot dog in Swedish because of her.

This Christmas was hard, our first without her. I only managed to put up the tree this year, I couldn't bring myself to put out my Santa collection (it was inspired by her own collection, another thing we shared), although they will be up next year...she would like that. Her Christmas sweaters did make an appearance this year...Steve and Bryan wore them proudly.