It has been a while since I've updated our blog. Life has been crazy lately and sometimes I'm just trying to hang on. Some days I'm lucky if everyone has been feed, a few charts got done and I slept a few hours. Ethan was sick with a stomach bug for a few days, then a mysterious fever and now he may be teething. The other issue is our new digital camera. Our son was already 9 months old and the only video we had were "shorts" from our old camera. So as not to let more of his life go by undocumented, I finally convinced Bryan to get a new camera. Anyone who knows Bryan knows that any big purchase must be researched, thought about carefully, and then researched some more, then if he hasn't forgotten, finally purchased. So to make a long story short I still don't know how to download pictures from the new camera, mainly because I haven't taken the time to learn, so at least for now have to rely on Bryan.