Ethan and I are hanging out at the house on my day off and I was trying to get some video of him laughing, but as soon as I start filming he immediately gets quiet. So I decided to take some pictures instead. I was thinking about Anne's pictures of her kids at different ages in the same chair and what a great way that was to see how they are growing. When you see them everyday you don't always realize just how quickly they are growing. I remembered that when Ethan was only 2 or 3 weeks old Bryan wanted some "action shots" of him, but since he wasn't really doing much at 2 weeks we decided to incorporate Jackson on the couch (his favorite spot for about 23 hours a day), and he became our backdrop. Jackson has been so good with Ethan, he likes to investigate him by smelling his head and seems concerned when Ethan cries. Ethan hasn't gotten any slobbery kisses from Jackson yet, but I'm sure he'll get one any day now when he least expects it.
Here is one of Ethan and our first baby, Jackson, at about 2 weeks, and again at 4 1/2 months.